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The strategic plan is the culmination of 20 months of planning and diligent work by many Spartans. This section provides links to numerous important planning documents and reports that provide a deeper look into the planning process and the areas of focused examination that led to the creation of the final plan.

Progress Reports

Since MSU 2030 was endorsed by the Board of Trustees in September 2021, academic and administrative units as well as theme-focused workgroups have engaged in planning, prioritization and implementation activities to achieve the goals outlined in the plan. Our progress is shared periodically in reports that provide performance on key metrics, outline selected key initiatives and highlight stories illustrating great work in each strategic theme area.

June 2022

MSU 2030 Strategic Plan Implementation Update June 2022

June 2023

Cover of MSU 2030 Strategic Plan Implementation Update June 2023

June 2024

Cover of the June 2024 implementation update report.

Download the Strategic Plan

A limited number of printed copies of the strategic plan have been produced for use by the Office of the President. Download a PDF of the publication (PDF 43MB.) Please note that the printed plan and its PDF are an abbreviated version of the strategic plan content. Explore the full strategic plan by using the Plan Navigator on this website or download the full, text-only version (PDF 1.5MB) of the plan below.

MSU 2030
PDF (43 MB)

MSU 2030 Text-Only Version
Text-Only Version PDF (1.5 MB)

Download other reports

Leadership Retreat Summary Report (PDF 2.8 MB) 
Engagement Report on Values Development (PDF 893 KB) 

Focused Inquiry Reports:

Land Grant Focused Inquiry Group (PDF 107KB) 
Values Development Subcommittee (PDF 732KB) 
Optimal Scope and Scale Subcommittee (PDF 326KB) 
Online Learning Strategy Subcommittee (PDF 480 KB) 
Institutional Resources Subcommittee (PDF 1.2 MB)